Retreat Testimonials
"Having participated in numerous retreats offered by Rosie, I can only say that they are a wonderful gift to anyone wanting to explore the expression of the Spirit within."
"Rosie’s gentle presence and warm invitations offer doorways into the self that allow deeper connections to the Holy."
"I find the sharing and the openness to everyone present enhances the support for self-expression in such delightful ways."
"Her use of poetry and language and her approach of ‘try it’ enables folks to drop any pre-conceived attitudes and judgments about being an artist and just delight in this new way of encountering the deeper self."
"As a colleague for the past twenty plus years, I have watched the effects of Rosie’s retreat work on many individuals and appreciate the dimension of self-expression that she invites in retreat participants."
"The incarnational ‘holy’ within is tapped, touched and celebrated by Rosie's processes that are free and inviting of people regardless of their ‘artistic’ talent or training."
"Rosie's professional training in mental health and spiritual companioning is reflected in her work and the depths of her own journey are wonderfully and appropriately revealed in her work."
"I would be privileged and honored to offer a strong recommendation to any retreat center interested in offering her programs and would desire to be put on these centers’ mailing lists to pass the word that Rosie is offering more retreats!"
"I could mix art with reflection and a wonderful nap!"
"Rosie’s beautiful spirit shines through everything she does, whether it’s a spiritual exercise, or teaching a complete neophyte like me, to paint!"
"One gift I received from the retreat was learning, yet again, to think outside the box, and to let go of my perfectionist tendencies."
“…spectacular; really good; she taught skills on how to paint; the days were empowering; she is a blessing; our time together was artistically and spiritually fulfilling; absolutely wonderful.”
"It was apparent that the goal of the weekend, 'to discover creative ways of nurturing one’s spirit with art' was realized.